
Top 7 Back-To-School Tips for Moms

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Kids aren't the only ones who struggle with the back-to-school transition. Adjusting to a child's back-to-school routine and related events can be stressful and taxing for parents as well. Below are some tips to help you overcome the back-to-school blues.

1. Do your homework.
Find out what your child will be studying in school this year. Participate in any open houses or parent/teacher conferences that your child's school may offer. Visit the school's website (if they have one) and keep an eye out for calendars and upcoming events for you and your child. Being aware of what is on the horizon can help you plan and organize your schedule accordingly--without any last minute hassles.

2. Talk to your kids.
Communication is key. Ask your child about his/her day after school. Find out what his/her favorite classes are and what food they like or dislike in the cafeteria and what classmates they get along with best. If you are apprehensive about sending your kid away to school all day, talking with them and understanding their routine may help you feel at ease.

3. Safety first.
Develop a safety plan for different situations and scenarios and make sure that your kids know and understand your safety rules. Go over them as often as you feel is necessary to ensure that they are retaining this knowledge. Knowing that your children understand and respect the need for safety rules can help keep your worry in check.

4. Set up a homework routine.
It can be frustrating to always be asking if your child's homework is done and subsequently nagging them until it is completed. Setting up a time and place for homework will help your child get into the habit of completing their homework everyday without prompting. Instituting a rule such as no TV or video games until all homework is finished can also help motivate children.

5. Encourage extracurriculars.
It is important that kids learn from an early age how to effectively balance school work with extracurricular activities. Talk openly with your child to see if you can gain a sense of what sort of activities they may enjoy most and discuss the ideas with them. Extracurricular activities can help children stay in shape and develop valuable team working skills.

6. Worried? Don't let them know.
Expressing your anxieties around your children will only encourage them to worry as well. Model confidence and keep your cool and your child will likely follow suit.

7. Know what is normal and what is not.
If you or your child are experiencing serious anxiety, physical illness, or mental health issues, contact your family physician or other qualified health expert. Some anxiety is normal for both parents and students with the start of a new school year, but it is important to seek help when necessary.