To Saturday, August 05, 2023 - 10:30am
Kids, come by in your pajamas and drop off your favorite stuffed animal at our restaurant for a night they won't forget! Stop in for dinner before our craft starts at 7pm, followed by a bedtime story & cookie sample with the Cow. We'll close the playground after all the stuffed animals are tucked in at 8pm.
Then, come back in on Saturday at 9:30am to pick up your stuffed animal and eat breakfast with the cow! We will provide a goodie bag and lots of pictures from their fun-filled night.
Please RSVP on our Facebook page @ Chick-fil-A Market at Springwoods Village!
*Parents, please ensure the stuffed animal your child brings is one that they can spend the night without until it can be picked up the next morning. Please only bring 1 stuffed animal per child. If you child cannot have a sample of our chocolate chunk cookie during the story time, please let us know before hand.
Crafts & goodie bags while supply lasts.