Woodlands Events Calendar
Monday, April 24, 2023, 10:00am - 03:00pm
Children with autism spectrum disorder and their families are invited to experience the Museum with dimmed lights, limited extra sounds and no distracting motions during this private event. Extra signage is added to help visitors determine things not to climb on, and entrances between exhibits where it is good to stop and wait for an adult before continuing. Our Sensory Friendly Days offer a wonderful relief from extra stimuli. These exclusive events include the following modifications:
- Less crowded environment
- Light and sound reduction
- Extra visual safety signage
- Designated quiet rooms
*Fresh Café is not open during this event. You may bring your own lunch and snacks.
Registration required: https://www.cmhouston.org/events/sensory-friendly-days
Location Children's Museum of Houston, 1500 Binz St. Houston 77004