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Optimize Wellness

My name is Clare Samol and I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner as well as a Holistic Health Coach.
My training comes from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, a methodology that investigates healing opportunities within your body’s systems, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which pursues a holistic health approach focusing on the interactions between food and wellness.
While these organizations represent my formal training, my own personal experience with holistic health began years before when I suffered from IBS from an early age. I couldn’t relax or just enjoy being out with friends because my stomach always hurt.
This led to anxiety and being misdiagnosed with depression from doctors who gave me a quick and easy answer instead of helping me get to the bottom of my pain. I didn’t sleep well, often having trouble even falling asleep. When I could sleep, I woke up throughout the night. Years later, probiotics would improve my condition, but I intentionally kept my diet bland in fear of causing flare ups.
Then in 2016, my daughter was born. In the first 24 hours of her life, she was covered in a rash that wouldn’t go away for months. Visits to her pediatrician and specialists were nothing but dead ends as we were told there was nothing we could do but hope she grew out of it. We were also told that food didn’t cause her eczema.
Thus my deep dive into holistic healing began.
I started with switching our household and self care products for unscented or ones that only use essential oils. I then graduated to elimination diets. I had some success but her eczema would never completely clear up.
In 2018 we moved from Texas to London. Within a week of our arrival my daughter caught a virus with a fever that didn’t recede for 7 days. After that, every time I fed her she cried. She wasn’t able to have a bowel movement on her own for the next 6 months. We took her to another round of doctors in a new country and kept hitting the same brick wall. We walked out with laxatives and fervent prayers that she would just get past this on her own.
I spent hours crying, feeling helpless in the face of my daughter’s condition. She was miserable, hurting, and I didn’t know how to help her. I would have given anything to take her pain away and at the time I couldn’t even feed her breakfast without making her miserable.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition changed our lives.
The FDN approach doesn’t chase symptoms but rather looks upstream to get to the root cause of the issues. Through functional lab screenings and by implementing health building principles, your body can restore proper function.
For my daughter, this meant healing her gut and restoring her microbiome so she could achieve optimal health. She is no longer dependent on steroid creams and laxatives. Her quality of life has improved exponentially and she is a thriving young girl that enjoys gymnastics, swimming, and just being around the people she loves.
For me, the process has allowed me to be a more adventurous eater that feels comfortable traveling the world. I no longer live in fear of stomach pain. Energy slumps in the afternoon are things of the past and my quality of sleep has improved significantly.
If you are tired of chasing symptoms, or being told your lab ranges are “normal,” or just want to achieve optimal health, let’s get started on a plan that is right for YOU!