

My family's 3 easy steps to improved skin (Hello, Clinique!)

Thanks to an amazing colleague, I was recently re-introduced to the many benefits of using Clinique products. Last year (Christmas!), I was gifted a bag of goodies that included a tube of Clinique's dramatically different moisturizing lotion, one of my favorite moisturizers ever! (Certainly you've seen it before. It's yellow.)

Honestly, the gift was a blast from the past. I used Clinique a long time ago, when I was in high school (well, I guess not THAT long ago). But somewhere along the way, I traded in the reliably, dermatologist-developed, multi-step skin care regimen in exchange for lazy nights of not really washing my face much at all. (Please stop judging me.)

Now that I have two daughters in high school (one with sensitive skin), I'm overdue for finding appropriate products for each girl's specific skin type.

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Since teens and pre-teens often have breakouts (plus some adults, especially if you happen to be ME), I've been buying the cheap (actually, not so "cheap" lately) products from the grocery store that are usually not so great, but "at least it's something." Until now, they had never had a sophisticated skin care regimen with quality products adequate for daily use, so we're excited to be giving something new a try! Clinique skincare is allergy tested, 100% fragrance free, and formulated for maximum results without irritation. 

We visited The Woodlands Mall and spoke to a specialist to discuss each of my teen's skin type and came up with a solution for keeping their skin and pores clean and healthy. I was so surprised to find that it is pretty much the exact same 3-step regimen with skin-typed formulas I used as a young adult. Nostalgia! I don’t know if the formulas have changed over time or not (I imagine they have somewhat), but it really goes to show how effective and reliable Clinique products are.


SIDENOTE: In the future, I'll make my purchases online at Clinique.com because:

1. They oftentimes have specials that the department stores won't have.

2. I love the convenience of online shopping.

3. At Clinique.com, you get up to 6 free samples of their best sellers. Choose 1 with every $15 you spend.

4. I like to take my time and read through all the chemicals in the ingredients list, and scoping out the details online is way better on my eyes. Each product is adequately described online, so it's hard to make a mistake when you're choosing which formula would work best.

Oh, and one more reason for buying these products online… mall parking. Oops, one last (I promise) reason is that I’m dropping my affiliate links, so if you purchase I might receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you of course! Can you say “WIN-WIN?"

How we’re using Clinique


For a daily regimen, Clinique offers a 3-step skin care system that includes a cleanser + clarifying lotion (like a toner) + moisturizer, with varying formulas depending on if you have dry skin, oily skin, or combination skin. With add-ons such as spot treatment for those pimples that will indubitably pop up out of nowhere the day before your BFF’s engagement party, to sunscreen protector and more, all the essentials are found in this collection. Of course, for me, I was especially intrigued to learn about the anti-aging products in the Clinique line, and I intend to explore more of those products soon.

Here’s the breakdown of the 3-step system:


The first step in the process is the Clinique Liquid Facial Soap Mild, because obviously the first thing you want to do in the morning and the last thing you want to do at night is to have clean skin… and a piece of chocolate. This All About Clean™ soap is soft, and the non-drying lather loosens surface flakes, removes dirt and debris, and protects skin’s natural moisture balance.

In case you're interested, this mild cleanser is formulated with sucrose, known to calm and soothe the skin, and it's free of oil and synthetic colors. I personally like cleansers that LATHER because it makes your face feel as though it's getting a luxurious spa treatment. And the soap's quick-rinsing formula is another useful feature, because will my teens really take the time to use this stuff if it takes too long to wash it completely off? Probably not. Just some repeated splashes of lukewarm water to the face for rinsing, and that's a wrap!


I should note that my teens don't wear makeup, so each time, they'll be starting the process with a makeup-free face. However, Clinique offers several options for eye makeup and face makeup removal, including their Take the Day Off™ Micellar Cleansing Towelettes for Face & Eyes, for those who prefer to start with this step. I plan on ordering some of these for myself, because the online reviews are super!

** I should also note that if you've never watched your teen wash her face, please do so! My 17 year old has been independently washing her own face for over a decade, but I watched her for the first time as she used her new Clinique products and realized she was in need of some face-washing pointers that I probably should’ve given her a long time ago.


After washing, pat skin dry and move to step 2.


Step two in the process is the Clinique Clarifying Lotion, a twice a day exfoliator that you apply with a cotton ball or pad. The clarifying lotion is available in 5 formulas from very dry to very oily, and in-between (i.e. dry combination skin, oily combination skin, all skin types), so you choose the one that's best for your skin. It also comes in two sizes - 6.7 oz and 13.5 oz (a 200 ml bottle or a 400 ml bottle).

Guys, this is a really great product! It sweeps away dulling flakes and dead skin cells and clears the way for smoother, brighter skin. It also gets rid of any traces of makeup that may be left over from the initial wash. Back when I used Clinique religiously, this was my favorite product to use because it did a great job getting rid of the excess oil in my T-zone.




Step three is the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, which is the same as the item I received as a gift for Christmas, as mentioned earlier. With ingredients such as sunflower and cucumber, it's easy to love, and it makes your skin feel fresh and supple!

My 17 year old was already using mine since last month, before I purchased her own set of products. For her own set, she chose the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel instead of the “lotion.” It's yellow and looks the same as the moisturizing lotion, but while the gel is for an oilier complexion, the lotion is for a dryer complexion, and since we're not exactly sure how to categorize her skin (it seems to vary), we got the gel for her so she can try them both.



That's it! The quick 3-step, twice a day process is an easy regiment, even for the busy (or lazy) mom or teenager!



I'm not sure how important this is to you, but as a conscientious consumer, I'm trying to get more in tune with products that utilize sustainable packaging. When I researched Clinique, I was pleased to learn that their All About Clean™ liquid face soap (Step One in the process) is packaged in bottles that contain a percentage of plant-derived plastic and/or post-consumed recycled material. Hey, it's not perfect, but I think it's a good start. Also, they have a goal that by 2025, 100% of their secondary packaging will be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, and 75% of their packaging will be recyclable, refillable, reusable, recycled, or recoverable.

I'm sorry that it took so long, but I'm glad to be steering my girls down the road to happy skin! They've been following the regimen for just under a week now, and so far it's doing a great job!

What else does Clinique offer?

Clinique offers lots of products - including many more items in their skin care line, plus makeup, sun protection, fragrances, and... ANTI-AGING (where are my 35+ mamas)?

Right now, clear skin is the goal for me and my teens, and we are happy to be using this brand. Check out more online at Clinique.com.

Model Credits: Eiffel Taylor

[Paid Partnership with Clinique]