
Tiff's Treats - Cookie Delivery in The Woodlands ROCKS!

Sorry Amazon.com, you’ve just been outdone! I mean, as much as I look forward to those beautiful brown boxes arriving at my front doorstep all too frequently, the experience has nothing on the treat I received at my home yesterday evening. It all started with a very pleasant phone call from Tiff’s Treats customer service. Someone was sending me warm, freshly-baked cookies, and they wanted to find out the best time to have them delivered.

Just to be clear, there’s no bad time to have warm cookies delivered, so I cancelled my 6-year-old’s tumbling class that was scheduled for the evening. Then, I immediately put on my pajamas, (although it was only 4’o clock in the evening). You see, I’m a cookie-eating connoisseur, and if there’s any way you can eat your cookies at home in your PJ’s, you seize the opportunity. If it happens to be raining outside as it was yesterday evening, all the better!


The delivery arrived just in time! I was presented with a large bag of warm, wonderfully smelling treats along with a smaller bag of cold treats. My family couldn’t wait to dig in. Dozens of delicious cookies – so moist, warm, and gooey that in our haste to pick them up, they were starting to slowly break apart (you know how it is when those cookies just come out of the oven)!

The smaller bag contained a jar of cold chocolate milk and 2% white milk plus a small container of frozen dessert called Tiff’s Blitz. The cookies were  a variety – chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, M&M, and oatmeal raisin, and every single one of them was delicious! I had plenty to share, so I ran some over to my next door neighbor’s house to show some love. She was impressed when I told her about Tiff’s Treats and the fact that they deliver fresh, warm cookies to your door (And I got kudos for being a “good neighbor”.)


I checked the Tiff's Treats website – cookiedelivery.com – because I was curious about prices. Not only is the pricing for sending cookies really affordable (I mean, REALLY affordable), the company offers more treats than I could have imagined. In addition to the cookie flavors I listed above, they also bake sugar cookies, oatmeal chocolate chip, white chocolate chip almond, chocolate chip pecan, and several others. Plus there’s brownies, ice cream, Tiffwich’s Ice Cream Sandwiches, soft drinks, coffee drinks, and even cookie trays.

I can think of a dozen occasions for which to send these delicious cookies to honor a friend, business partner, or neighbor! Couldn’t you? Tiff’s Treats is located at 1620 Research Forest Dr #150, and you can call ahead to pick up your cookies (or just drop in if you want just a couple!), or order online or by phone to have them delivered within The Woodlands area. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Yes, Tiff’s Treats for President!