


Meet Stacy T., our Spotlight Mom for January 2022!

If you're a mom interested in being in our Mom Spotlight in 2022, please CLICK HERE. 

Please tell us a little about your family:

We are a plant-based homeschooling family of four. My husband and I have been blessed with two girls ages 4 and 5. The girls are super close in age as well as in friendship. Our family is in love with nature, books, art, and health & wellness.

Before we had kids, my husband and I lived downtown, and we absolutely loved being in the city, but after having our first baby we knew we wanted to live and play among more trees and green spaces. Today we spend our days watching butterflies and other insects, collecting leaves, maxing out our library cards and exploring parks and playgrounds.


Do you have a business you'd like to share with our readers:

My husband and I have run Eat Good, a vegan food pop-up for the last few years. We used to be regulars at the Woodlands Farmers Market, but when things shut down in 2020 we stopped and began to focus more on our podcast "Plants Changed My Life" and getting our food truck road ready. Our mission with all we do is to inspire people to make steps toward living a healthier lifestyle.


Favorite place to go in The Woodlands area:

There are so many, but if I have to pick just one it would be Rob Fleming Park -- we love taking walks, riding bikes and having picnics out here.

Favorite blogs I read:

I am always checking WoodlandsMommy.com and bigkidsmallcity.com for ideas on things to do with the girls. I have been on a new mission to have less "stuff" so I like to read bemorewithless.com/archives for inspiration. I love what the folks at earthconsciouslife.org/blog are doing, they always have quick useful tips on upcycling, composing and gardening.


First job:

I was a customer service rep at Rave, a now defunct teen clothing store.

Favorite childhood book or story:

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I remember getting money to buy my very own copy from the Scholastic book fair.


Favorite meal to prepare together:

Pizza with scratch-made crust.

3 Things on my Long-Term To-Do List:

1. Learn to swim (spring/summer 2022)
2. Do a triathlon (fall 2022)
3. Write my first children's book (winter 2022)

How I spend my Friday evenings:

Sitting through back-to-back dance classes for the girls then rushing home to have pizza night!

Favorite non-homemade dessert (and where can we find it):

We found the most delicious banana pudding at SoVeganly in Old Town Spring. Even better, it is gluten-free so my littles can eat it too. (And it does not taste like it is missing the traditional ingredients! )

Best way to spend $50:

Buy a variety of fresh herbs to grow at home. Fresh herbs really take any dish up ten-fold. It's like a gift that keeps on giving.

Something in your purse that has an interesting story behind it:

I have not gotten back to carrying a purse in my post-baby life. I alternate between a fanny pack, a backpack or book satchel. But no matter what type of bag I have, I always have acorns in it. My children love collecting acorns and when we see squirrels we pass them along to them.


My life:

Motherhood is a life-changing experience. (<--That is an understatement!) I never imagined I would trade life as a TV news journalist, to have a front row seat in watching these little girls grow up, and I am so deeply grateful each day to have this opportunity.


How can our readers find you?




After our initial interview, we learned from Stacy that her daughters have their own business. Here's more: 

The girls' business is called Ivy + Averie Flower Company.  They have always absolutely loved picking and arranging flowers, sticks, leaves-- everything they get their hands on.  We read Bee Fearless by Mikaila Ulmer and they loved hearing her story of how she launched her lemonade company.  They came up with the idea for their business and worked through a business plan.  Their mission is to raise money to help pollinators.  They use upcycled and earth-friendly materials for their containers.  They had their very first business fair in November. Their website is Houstonsflowergirls.com.  
