
Calling all Fathers and Sons!

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The grind only stops if you do! In today’s world, you have to be exceptionally intentional to carve out time for the people you love most, and in the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to let those meaningful moments slip away. That’s why Camp Cho-yeh is thrilled to invite you to join in for their 2024 Father Son Weekend! This isn’t just another event—it’s a crucial opportunity to step away, focus on what truly matters, and invest in the relationship that will shape your son’s future.

Here are the Top 5 reasons why Fathers and Sons need to be part of this incredible experience:

1) Challenge One Another 💪🏻

Push each other beyond your limits with activities that demand teamwork and trust. Whether it’s tackling the high ropes course, trying new activities, or mastering outdoor skills, you’ll both grow stronger—together. It’s all about pushing boundaries and discovering just how capable you both are.

2) Healthy Competition 🏆

There’s nothing like a little father-son rivalry to get the adrenaline pumping. From archery to obstacle courses, these friendly challenges will bring out the best in both of you. Who will claim the bragging rights? It’s time to find out!

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3) Be Sharpened Spiritually ✝️

Strengthen your faith side by side. Through carefully crafted times of worship and discussions, you’ll both walk away with a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what you are capable of. This weekend is a powerful opportunity to grow spiritually and support each other on your faith journey.

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4) Unplug and Get Outdoors 🌲

Leave the screens behind and immerse yourselves in the place where the tall pines grow. Breathe in the fresh air, explore the trails, and soak in the beauty of God’s creation—it’s the perfect setting to reset and reconnect. There’s something about being in nature that brings clarity and peace.

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5) Dedicated Time to Bond 🤝

No distractions, just you and your son. Whether you’re sharing stories by the campfire or enjoying a quiet moment by the lake, this weekend is all about building memories that will last a lifetime. It’s the kind of time together that can transform your relationship.

Dads, your sons need you. This event is filling up fast with fathers and sons whose relationships will soon be transformed. For more details and to register, go to cho-yeh.org/family-programs. Use code MOM30 FOR 30% off!