
Guest Personalities Wanted for "Stories in The Woods"

WoodlandsMommy.com is signing up local moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and business owners to read their favorite books to our audience! Won’t you be our guest?
You’ll record yourself reading a favorite picture book, and our Editors will give your video an intro and outro and will post the video on the WoodlandsMommy.com YouTube page for families in our community to enjoy all month! If you own a business, this is an easy way to plug your business to our readers for FREE!

Here's the deal: You choose the book, and you can be as creative as you’d like during your reading. You can show the book’s pictures up close or from afar, “do the voices” or not, introduce yourself and your kiddos and your dog if you wish!

It's called "Stories in the Woods". Do I need to read from the woods? No, but we'd love it if you did! We call it "the Woods" mainly because our readers are in The Woodlands area. However, we do envision seeing stories read out-of-doors - from your backyard swing, poolside, a local park, etc. Pan around and show our viewers where you're reading from, and give us a sense of your world.

Sounds good, but I'm terrible with videos and have no special equipment. Relax! If you have a decent mobile phone, that's all the equipment you need. Casual, fun readings are the best, and perfection is never expected. It's okay to get tongue-tied, stumble over your words, or to not be picture perfect on camera. We want to see authentic personalities that we can relate to!

So, what's in it for me again? Fame and fortune, obviously! And you'll be pleased with the thought of serving local families in our community in such a special way. And, if you own a local business, we'll encourage you to give you business a plug before or after the reading. Nothing too long - but a mini-commercial with a sentence or two about your products / services could be effective. We'll even include your business website link in the video’s descriptive text.

Alright. I'm sold! How do I sign up? To be a guest reader, simply send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with “Guest Reader” in the subject line. Let us know which interesting children's book you'd like to read and which business, if any, you'd like to promote. You should get the green light from us within 3 business days, after which point we’ll send you some tips and Best Practices for creating and sending your recording.

Thank you for joining us as we roll out this feature that’s sure to be an audience favorite!