
Farmer's Market Reopens - No Kids or Pets Allowed!

Every Saturday, local residents would look forward to visiting The Woodlands Farmer's Market at Grogan's Mill, but like most other businesses in our area, the market closed for a while due to COVID-19. We're happy to report that the much-loved market will be implementing their Phase I reopening (food and produce vendors only) on Saturday, May 23. A Phase II date, when we can expect additional vendors and possible more relaxed rules, will be announced in the future. For now, please read and re-read these requirements for visiting the market. The goal is to keep vendors and customers as safe as possible:

• If you are feeling ill, do not enter
• Masks are required for all
• In and out quickly, no lingering
• Sanitize hands before entering market and before leaving the market
• Follow social distancing – 6 feet apart
• If you touch it, you buy it
• Preorder and pay online when possible
• Pay by card or exact change
• No pets or children
• Avoid groups or gathering of more than 2
• No food or drink at the market