
Vacation Watch Tips from The Woodlands Township



'Tis the season for holiday excursions away from home! This year, let the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office or Harris County Constable's Office ease your mind about traveling! The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch encourages residents to take advantage of the free Vacation Watch program. With the Vacation Watch program, deputies will regularly drive by your home, check doors and windows to ensure that they are secure, and investigate anything on your property that looks suspicious.

Sign up for Vacation Watch

Vacation Watch allows law enforcement patrol deputies to check the security of a residence while the homeowner is out of town. Please note: The frequency of home checks is dependent upon call volume in the area. Active calls for service will take precedent.

  • Montgomery County Sheriff's Office - call (936) 442-7797 or complete the online Vacation Watch Request
  • Harris County Constable's Office, Precinct 4 - call (281) 376-3472 or complete the online Vacation Watch Request (in dropdown choose Creekside -Woodlands).


Vacation Checklist

  • Leave a house key and your alarm code with the emergency contact listed on the form.
  • Test your smoke detectors and alarm system. Notify your alarm company before testing.
  • Do not announce your vacation plans on social media.
  • Arrange with a neighbor to pick up newspapers and mail daily (do not stop all deliveries). Try to maintain the appearance of your normal routine.
    • If you do wish to have USPS hold your mail you can do so here.
  • Arrange for house, lawn, pet and plant care.
  • Contact your veterinarian if your animals will be at home under the care of a neighbor.
  • Empty and lock cars that will remain at home.
  • Set automatic timers for lights and /or radio.
  • Turn off or adjust water, water heater, and thermostat.
  • Disconnect all televisions and other small appliances.
  • Lock all doors and windows.
  • Use discreet luggage tags that shield your name and address from casual observation.
  • It's not necessary to advise your alarm company of your vacation plans, but do verify that your call list is current.
For additional resources and details on program activities, visit www.thewoodlandstown ship-tx.gov or call 281-210-3800.