
Hurray for bright, beautiful, healthy cantaloupe bowls!

breakfast bowl
Leave the fruity pebbles in the pantry for a change, and make these beautiful fruit bowls that are easy to create and healthy to eat. The main ingredients are cantaloupe (or substitute honeydew melon) and yogurt, and from there, you can add whatever your heart desires.

We like adding fresh berries, grapes, and granola. Top with a sprig of mint from your garden, if you’re feeling fancy!

Here are some quick steps:

  1. Wash your cantaloupe / melon. This sounds like a no-brainer, but when I was a new mom I did not think to wash the outside of my melons before cutting. A friend had to educate me! I mean, really, think about all the hands that are on that piece of fruit in the grocery store. (Plus you know sometimes the fruit falls to the floor and someone puts it right back in the bin!) Even though we don’t eat the outside of cantaloupe, that knife touches all of those germs. No thank you!

    cantaloupe wash

  2. Slice the cantaloupe in half, lengthways. You want the bowl to be wider than deeper, so be sure you’re slicing it along the length of the fruit.

    cantaloupe halves
  3. Scoop out the seeds. Your little one might using his hands to pull out this yuckiness. It’s a sensory experience that my eight-year-old approved of!

  4. Carve out a little bit more of the melon, to make sure it’s not t0oo shallow for your ingredients. Eat the extra carvings!

  5. Fill the melon with yogurt. I like using plain (unsweetened) or vanilla Greek yogurt.

    cantaloupe yogurt

  6. Add your toppings! Top with your favorite cut-up fruit, granola, chopped nuts, or anything else your heart desires.

  7. Place on a plate, and serve.

    cantaloupe bowls complete