

How NOT to be eaten alive by mosquitos this season!

Only two things are certain. Death and taxes. Actually, make that three things. Mosquitos in The Woodlands. It’s hard to enjoy the cooler summer evenings with these pesky insects wreaking havoc on our domain. Luckily, we have some favorites to share with you that we think will make the season a lot more enjoyable. Keep reading.

Mosquito Repellent Balm - At the recommendation of a friend, I started using Badger Anti-Bug Balm [affiliate link] a decade ago, and I haven’t looked back. This DEET-free balm comes in a tin can and is certified organic, with citronella, Cedarwood, lemongrass, and castor oil as the primary ingredients. The balm has a pretty pleasant smell, and we’ve found it to be safe and effective on all our kids. It’s easy to apply all over, and because the tin can has a tightly sealed lid, I keep this in my purse so I’m never without it!

Skin So Soft - When my kids were younger, Avon’s Skin So Soft Bath Oil [affiliate link] was the highly-coveted remedy for keeping away mosquitos. These days, there’s a Skin So Soft + Bug Guard [affiliate link] specially formulated to repel mosquitos and deer ticks. Both options can be found on Amazon.

mosquito cure

Mosquito repellent for your lawn - I haven’t personally used Cutter Backyard Bug Control Concentrate, Bug Spray & Mosquito Repellent [affiliate link], but I know of people who swear by it. My disclaimer, this stuff seems pretty harsh, and it’s certainly not the natural, organic, non-chemical stuff that some people are seeking out. Mosquitos aren’t terrible in my yard, so I’ve never had to use it. We just put on bug balm before going out, and we’re fine. But if your heavily-wooded front yard or backyard gets inundated with mosquitos and you can’t enjoy swimming pool time and backyard BBQs, Cutter might be a solution for you. You attach the sprayer to a garden hose to treat your lawn, landscape, and outdoor surfaces where insects hide, and it rids your area of bugs for up to 12 weeks. (According to some users, if it rains, you’ll have to reapply before 12 weeks are up).

Other mosquito repelling remedies that could be helpful:

  • Purchase several different kinds of repellent, and test and see which work best for you and your family members.
  • Light citronella candles or torches when you’re spending time outdoors.
  • Use a baking soda / water paste on new mosquito bites for quick healing.
  • Eliminate still, standing water from your yard, as it can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitos.

Enjoy these remedies and enjoy your summer evenings!