
Summer Weekdays are better with Milk & Honey Baths

milk and honey bath
Milk & honey bath. Ahh, just the sound of the words relieves the seemingly ever-increasing tension in my neck. If you're thinking that you want to have an ultimate spa night, then a milk and honey bath it is, and here's the skinny on exactly how to make this self-indulgent treat with just a few ingredients.

But first, what is a milk and honey bath? If you're thinking of Winnie the Pooh bathing happily in a jar of honey, that's exactly the vibe we’re going for! Actually, just kidding (though the sheer delight will be equal). But rather, a milk and honey bath is a spa treatment that provides the following health benefits:

  • Smoother Skin - Honey has smoothing, anti-inflammatory effects, while the protein and fat in milk enriches your bath water and helps to exfoliate your skin.
  • Relaxation - A soak in a milk and honey bath makes you feel fresh, rejuvenated, and revived! Just think of it... you're relaxing in MILK and HONEY! The lactic acid in milk gives your skin that hydration glow, and who doesn't want a little shine?!
  • Helps Heal Skin Irritations - Honey has both antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help to heal the skin, so it's a great addition to your weekly regimen if you get dry, irritated skin or suffer from skin irritations such as eczema.
  • Anti-Aging - Have you noticed that many skin care cleansers use milk and honey as ingredients? That's because honey and milk together aid in slowing down the aging process and reduce the appearance of fine lines, blotchiness, and wrinkles. Look at the many face masks put out by popular skin care lines. Using honey as a primary ingredient in many of them is not a coincidence.

Okay, let’s get this honey party started, shall we?

You can always take the easy road and soak in *Organic Botanical's Oatmeal Milk & Honey foaming bath salts:

But for a DIY, here’s a quick way to make your bath with ingredients you already have at home.

First you’ll need milk. You can use whatever milk you have on hand – cow’s milk from the fridge, coconut milk, almond milk, goat milk, oat milk, buttermilk… they all have different properties that I won’t go into at length here, but you can always do some googling. For me, I stick with cow’s milk since it’s what I buy when I shop for groceries. I drink 2%, but for this bath, it’s best to pick up whole (full fat!) milk. I also plan to make this bath with oat milk for my 10-year-old, because oat milk is nourishing and has anti-colloidal properties.

Then, you’ll need honey. (duh)

  1. Boil 2 cups of water and add 4 teaspoons of honey. Stir until dissolved.
  2. Add 2 cups of your preferred milk, and stir.
  3. Pour this mixture into a bathtub full of warm water.

Choose your aroma by adding the essential oil of your choice. Or make your bath extra delightful with epsom salts, rose petals, bubbles, and maybe a side of Claude Debussy (he has some wonderful piano compositions!).

Okay, so I’m not going to lie. A milk and honey bath isn’t exactly life changing. But there’s something about knowing you’re bathing in milk and honey that makes you feel so fancy! So go for it!

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