
Find a Hobby That You Will Enjoy!

get a hobbyA hobby can bring tremendous joy and satisfaction to moms, especially during stressful seasons like the one we're currently in! Do you have one? If not, here’s how to choose one--or possibly more than one--that suits you.

A hobby should be something that when you get up in the morning on your day off (whatever being "off" means to you), you will relish in saying "Hurray! Today I can enjoy my hobby," or "I can't wait to get the kids in bed”, because your hobby is waiting for you. You should be so absorbed when doing your hobby that you might even lose track of time!

Finding the right hobby takes a little thought and experiment. Start by making a list of all the possible hobbies you even think you would be interested in. Search your mind back to when you were younger too; maybe you decorated a vintage dollhouse as a child and really enjoyed it. Maybe your drawing or painting was hung in the hall at your grammar school because it was so good. Also have a look at the activities your friends and loved ones enjoy as their hobbies. At this point, you just want to list some possibilities, no matter how odd they may seem.

Ask yourself these questions about each hobby on your list:

1) Can I afford this hobby financially? Consider tools and supplies.

2) Do I have enough spare time to work on my hobby?

3) Is this hobby something in which I can possibly include my kids and/or spouse?

4) Do I have a place to work on my hobby; or would I need to rent out a garage or studio?

5) Will my hobby offend others? For instance, oil painting in the house will surely create an odor.

6) Can I get started right away; or will set up take a long time?

7) Can I work on my hobby whatever the season?

8) Will the hobby be self-satisfying and productive?

9) Most importantly, will I "enjoy" the hobby; or might it feel like another job?

After asking yourself the above questions, begin to eliminate any of the hobbies that are unrealistic, for whatever the reason, financial or otherwise. The list of hobbies remaining on your list should be those that you can afford, are realistic, will not disturb those around you, and most importantly, those that you feel you will enjoy. From what remains on your list, you should now be able to find a hobby to get started with. There is no rule against having more than one hobby!


  • Many a hobby has turned into a business as well. Quilt making, knitting scarves or building wooden bird houses, for instance. There is always a market for these types of goods, and who knows, your hobby may even earn you extra cash!
  • For a first time hobby, you may not want to jump right in and spend a lot of money to get started. Go slowly and be sure you will enjoy the hobby, which is the goal.
  • The person with a hobby they enjoy and look forward to is usually a "happy" person!