Is it hard for you to chug down your 8 cups of water each day? (For the record, the actual recommended amount varies, based on age and weight). If you're like me, drinking water throughout the day is no easy feat. I find myself counting down each ounce, and I don't quite make my goal until about 11pm each night. And after birthing 4 kiddos, my bladder isn't as strong as it used to be, so that means getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but that's a different story altogether. Sigh.
Experts say your daily water allowance should be pure water (if only tea and Kool-Aid would count!). Especially with the triple-digit temperatures our summer days often yield, drinking water to help maintain your body's balance of fluids is very important. Dehydration is serious business! But did you also know that drinking water can help to control calories, energize muscles, and keep your skin looking great? There are other benefits too, but I guess one we simply can't overlook is that proper hydration will make your trips to the ladies' room just a bit more comfortable, if you know what I mean.