
5 Ways to Get your "Mommy Groove" back!


Feeling stuck in a rut? Yeah, summer break can do that to us sometimes. I mean, why take the time to “pretty up” our hair when we’re in the pool almost EVERY day? And don’t worry that we’ve put on those few extra pounds – summer is the season for ice cream dessert every day of the week, right? And if you’re like me, you’ve gotten over the hopes of having friends over. With my 4 girls, we're living in a soror house – with tents, blankets, balloons, and stuffed animals every where I turn (not to mention the dirty kitchen. We really do snack ALL day!)

White flag away! Summer Break will NOT defeat us! We’ve decided that if we’re going to clean up our act and get our Mommy Groove back, all it takes is a little determination, and this list:

·         Go for a Blow – Even if you have your favorite hairdresser somewhere else, I think you’ll love stopping in at Blo Blow Dry Bar in Hughes Landing for the occasional blowout. Their service is quick and friendly, and walk-ins are accepted (though I always make an appointment). With their signature service, you can choose from 7 signature blow out styles from the classic blowout to runway inspired curls. Make it an updo or throw in a braid, and you’ll really be sitting pretty.

·         Find Your Cup of Tea – Or coffee. Or wine. There’s something about sitting peacefully with the perfect beverage that can really lift your spirits. Think you’ve tried it all? You haven’t! Visit the tea aisle at your favorite grocery and pick up a variety of interesting flavors. Have you tried chai tea? It’s a delightful blend of black tea with aromatic spices and herbs that make you feel all cozy inside. A friend of mine hooked me on to Tazo Wild Sweet Orange tea, and it’s one of my favorite things to date.  Finish off your shopping with a sassy new mug (I find fun ones at Pier 1 Imports) and some sweeteners (agave nectar? Stevia? Honey?), and spend time in the kitchen concocting a recipe that speaks to your soul.

·         Tell Your Story. Sometimes when we lose our mommy mojo, we tend to hide from our loved ones. For me, that means I’m not likely to return calls or initiate any effort to spend time with girlfriends. But, believe it or not, talking to others can actually help us to get our grooves back. Invite a friend for lunch and have some good laughs (or a good cry) getting filled in on recent life happenings. Write in your journal / diary, or start a new personal blog. If you’ve been on hiatus from social media, maybe a no-drama “checking in” type of post will help you feel better.

·         Get moving. Have you gotten into a slump where you’re not doing much of anything but sitting around? Maybe you’re chauffeuring the kids to the library or going to church and the movies, but are you really being “active”? Get moving! Add a new activity to your weekly routine  - like walking the block after dinnertime, doing aerobics at home, or taking up a weekly yoga class. Exercise is a good stress-reliever, a great tool to get in shape, and is sure to make you feel better (as long as you start small and don’t overdo it).

·         Clean house. It’s hard to feel great when your surroundings are a mess. So tidy up and get organized, even if you have to call in a professional to help you out with an initial deep clean. Too much clutter? Have a garage sale or get rid of stuff via Facebook Marketplace. And what circumstances led to losing your groove to begin with? Cleaning house isn’t just about your physical space. If you have negative friends and habits, it’s time to give them the boot, too, and find some new ones that will help give life to your newly energized routines.