2-Take on a part-time job. Lots of retailers are hiring part time this season, and often times, you can have a flexible schedule. Tag team with your husband when he gets home from work, and go spend a few hours each evening at a $10 per hour job with an employee discount to boot.
3-Offer your babysitting services to friends and family in exchange for cash. Reliable child care options are golden during the new year and beyond. You can even consider regularly hosting a fee-based themed “camp” evening for a handful of your friends. Provide crafts, activities, and dinner for the little ones while mom and dad get a night out.
4-Jump into network sales. You’ve heard the drill before, and it’s not for everyone, but network sales opportunities have helped to fill thousands of people’s pockets! With so many options – selling coffee, children’s books, scented candles, health care, makeup, and more, it’s easy to find something that will match your interests.
5-Do it yourself. Sometimes, redistributing your money to other projects is just as effective as getting a part-time job. Instead of shelling out money for the car wash, hair salon, or housekeeper, save dough by tackling these services yourself.