
Get a room!

Do you have a  room of your own? A room that's yours and only yours? Most moms don't. But if you're running around taking care of everyone else all day, it makes sense to have your own place of refuge to relax, recuperate, and to just "be". 

Is there a spare room in your house, a guest room perhaps, that you can take over from time to time? It doesn't have to be big. And guess what? It doesn't even have to be a room. It can be a comfortable chair, a desk, or some corner of a room that you've laid claim to and that everyone else knows to leave alone (and to leave YOU alone when you're in the space, unless they've been invited). 
I love what one of my good friends did. She commandeered the playroom from her two young kids and made it her own mommy space. Chances are it’ll be for just a short season, but a wonderful season indeed!

When you need to recharge or relax, having your own room might prove more valuable than you can imagine. Hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign and use your room to:

  • Sip tea, quietly.
  • Play your favorite music.
  • Lounge around in your undies.
  • Watch your favorite TV show.
  • Daydream.
  • Read your Bible or another great book.
  • Paint your nails.
  • Pass gas. (LOL, just seeing if you’re paying attention).
  • Browse the WoodlandsMommy.com website or Facebook page.

Enjoy your new space!