
Have a Christmas in July celebration!

Pretty soon, it'll be "Hello August"! Wow, this month has blown by quickly! And if it has felt pretty uneventful because of … well… COVID-19 and all, then here’s your last chance to win Mom of the Month for July: a Christmas in July celebration that the kiddos will love. Here’s how to pull it off!

Deck the halls. Just kidding, actually. Don’t bother decorating the house, cause ain’t nobody got time for that. However, if you can dig out the Christmas decorations box and pull out a single string of colorful lights to hang somewhere in the family room, it will make Christmas in July official. Red and green balloons would be awesome too.  And, of course, you’ll ask Alexa to play Christmas tunes.

Have a feast. Prepare a traditional Christmas dinner – even if it’s a watered-down version of such – complete with rolls, pumpkin pie, and eggnog. Dust off your formal dining table and put it to use.

There must be singing. All your family’s favorite Christmas songs – whether secular, religious, or a mix of both – should be sung. We suggest cranking up the A/C and then gathering around the lit fireplace to enjoy caroling with hot cocoa.

Have fun activities. Bake and decorate Christmas cookies, make fake snow, or simply dance around in Christmas-themed PJ's (can you fit the ones from last year)?

Give gifts. A Christmas in July present for your child can be as simple as a new yo-yo, a writing journal, or a pack of Superman undies. Any gift received in the middle of the summer for no real reason at all will be a treat! However, if you’re planning to squeeze in a trip to the beach or a fun staycation before school officially begins, your child’s present can be a “ticket” announcing the upcoming plans.

Celebrate with a movie marathon of all your holiday favorites. We suggest watching The Polar Express, Disney’s Christmas Carol, or The Nutcracker.

Have a Merry Christmas (in July)!