Baby's Toys Here's a ball for Baby, Big and soft and round, Here is Baby's hammer, See how Baby can pound!
Baby Horsie Ride (bounce baby on your knee to the rhyme) See the baby on her horsie bouncing everyday. Faster and faster She gallops away.
Baby Baby Dumpling Baby baby dumpling, Boil him in the pot, Butter him and sugar him And eat him while he's hot.
Walking, Walking (sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Walking, walking Walking, walking Hop, hop, hop Hop, hop, hop Running, running, running Running, running, running Now let's stop. Now let's stop. .
| Tickle Time Place Baby, clad only in a diaper, on the changing table or on a blanket on the floor. Test your tickle on various parts of Baby's body. Alternate between feather touches and gentle squeezes. Try blowing gently into Baby's neck. Of course, this all leads up to the timeless raspberry. Don't know what a raspberry is? It's simple. Place your mouth against Baby's belly or cheek, and blow. You'll have to blow hard enough to ripple the skin with the air from your mouth.
Let it Rain Wrap tin foil around one end of an empty paper towel holder. Use several pieces of masking tape to cover the foil. Tear off any excess foil for the outside of the holder. Fill the paper towel holder with several dried beans and a handful of uncooked rice. Seal up the other side in the same fashion as the first. Demonstrate how to turn the paper towel holder up and down so that your infant can hear the “rain.” A few rousing rounds of “Rain, Rain, Go Away” will make this even more interesting for your child.
| Stuffed Toys Play with a variety of stuffed toys and soft dolls with your infant. Explore the textures of the soft toys. Add a baby blanket, a play bottle, and a baby brush to expand play. Play peek-a-boo with the toys by hiding them under the blanket.
| Silly Face Peek-A-Boo
A smile, a frown, a look of surprise -- your child will love seeing all of the different kinds of faces that you can make.
Have your child face you in a seated position. Holding a small towel between the two of you to conceal your face, say, "Peek-a-boo, I see…" As you lift the towel say, "a smile!" (or the name of the facial expression).
Try These:
Smile Frown Grimace Laugh Tongue Wrinkled-up Nose