
That Makes Five!
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plans

Shopping List:  ----
Book to add to your child's library: One, Two, Three! by Sandra Boynton

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Five Fat Peas
FIve fat peas in a pea pod pressed
( hold hand in a fist)
One grew, two grew, and so did all th
(put  fingers up one by one)
They grew and grew
(raise hand in the air very slowly)
And did not stop,
Until one day
The pod went POP!
( clap hands together)

Here's a Ball
Here's a ball
(make ball with thumb and index finger)
And here's a ball  
(make ball with other thumb and index)
A great big ball, I see
(put arms up and touch fingers over
Shall we count them?
Are you ready?
One, Two, Three
(make all three balls in succession)

Wiggle Song
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my fingers
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my toes
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my shoulders
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my nose.
Now no more wiggles are left in me,
So I will be a still as can be.

That Makes Five
Use 5 medium-sized items
such as a washrag, yarn ball,
small cup, or set of keys. Sit on
the floor with your baby and put
an object in each hand.
Offer a third, fourth, and fifth
object, and let your baby figure
out how to put down a toy in
order to pick up another.
Variations: (1) Ask your baby to
give you a toy. (2) Put all 5 in
front of your baby and don't offer
any directions.

Unwrap It
Babies love to unwrap boxes,
so cater to that joyful activity by
wrapping a few to be torn open.
Enclose small favorite
belongings like blankets,
books, or toys. Use newpaper
comics instead of wrapping
Variation: Wrap a few pieces of
cereal or crackers inside. Yum!

Blanket Ride
Place your little one and a
favorite stuffed animal on a
blanket that's laid out on the
floor. Give your child a ride by
pulling the blanket through the
house. Talk about what you're
doing as you pull "We're going
fast... slow... around in a circle,

Touch and Tell
Provide your infant with
soft blocks that have
the numbers 1 to 4
written on them. If you
don't have any blocks,
you can make the
numbers with felt cloth
or from an old baby
blanket. Lay the
numbers out for your
child to play with, and
each time he picks one
up, say the number for

Face to Face Interaction:

Five Kisses
Tell your infant "Mommy wants
one kiss," then proceed to
kiss him one time. Then say
"Now, mommy wants two
kisses", then kiss him two
times, counting each kiss.
Continue until you get to five
kisses, kissing your baby five

Tickle Time
If your baby likes tickles, play
with her on the bed with
tickles everywhere.
Sometimes, lift your hand to
pretend to make a tickle, then
stop as your baby squeals in