
Follow Me
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  ----
Book to add to your child's library: Follow Me (Barney) by Quinlan B. Lee

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Pop Goes the Weasel
(When you get to  "pop goes the
weasel", pop yourself or your baby on
the head. Sing the verse again and let
your baby practice popping you.)
'Round and 'round the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
Pop! Goes the weasel.

She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
She'll be coming round the mountain
when she comes (toot toot)
She'll be coming round the mountain
when she comes (toot toot)
She'll be coming round the mountain,
she'll be coming round the mountain,
She'll be coming round the mountain
when she comes (toot toot)

Follow Me
(Help your baby perform each
Hands in the air,
Now down to your toes,
Make your finger touch your
Flap your elbows,
Knock your knees,
Give mommy a kiss,
Follow Me!

Parrot Talk
When your baby talks or makes
noise, mimic him and mirror his
actions until he takes notice.

Follow the Leader
Use a teddy bear as the leader.
Say "let's follow the bear."
Holding the bear out in front of
you and your child, make the
bear go throughout the house,
up on the sofa, under the
blanket, jumping up and down,
etc. Of course you and your
baby will follow along.

Buttons and More
What child doesn't love
to push buttons? Find
buttons around the
house for your child to
push and knobs to turn.
VCRs, DVD players, the
dishwasher... you
name it, they'll love it.
You might cringe at the
thought of the TV being
turned on and off, but
their enjoyment will
make it worthwhile.

Face to Face Interaction:

Criss Cross Applesauce
Criss cross applesauce,
(Draw an 'X" on baby's tummy)
A cool breeze,
(Blow on baby's neck)
A tight squeeze,
And a tickle, tickle, tickle
As you please
(Tickle and hug gently).

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake
Baker's man,
Bake me a cake
as fast as you can
Pat it and prick it
and mark it with a "B"
Put it in the oven for baby and