
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  Balloons to blow up (in assorted colors and sizes)
Book to add to your child's library: Can You See the Red Balloon? by Stella Blackstone

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Balloon Song
(Sung to:  "Ten Little Indians)
One little, two little,
three little balloons,
four little, five little,
six little balloons.
Seven little, eight little
nine little balloons,
ten little balloons
floating up so high.

Bounce the Balloons
(Tune: "The Mulberry Bush")
This is the way we
bounce the balloons
bounce the balloons,
bounce the balloons.
This is the way we
bounce the balloons
Gently in the air.

Balloon Puppet
Blow up a balloon and draw on
it with a marker - two eyes, a
nose, and a mouth. If possible,
adorn your balloon puppet with
a baseball hat. Move the
balloon around and make it
"pretend" talk or sing to your

Balloon Mania
Blow up a dozen balloons,
different colors and sizes, and
place your child on the floor for
free play.

Hit the Balloon
Hang a balloon from the ceiling
and help your child practice
hitting it with his hands.

Balloon Ball
Show your child how to strike a
balloon with his  hands to keep
it in the air. You can also
practice throwing/floating the
balloon to him and letting him
catch it and throw it back.  

Help your child explore
a world full of balloons.
Balloons are
everywhere, so this
week take time to help
your child notice them -
at the supermarket
near the check-out line,
at your bank, at
restaurants, stores, car
dealerships, etc.

Face to Face Interaction:

Set aside a block of time,
such as 15 to 30 minutes,
where your child can just be
quiet.  Lay with your baby on a
blanket and watch the ceiling
fan. Look at your baby in the
eyes and just smile at each
other for a while. Have a
staring contest! Make sure
there's minimal talking,
singing or humming. The key
is to hear the "quiet." Ask your
child what he hears in the
silence. Is that the clock
ticking? Is the cat purring? Is
that the neighbor's dog
barking? Who is mowing their
lawn? It's amazing what you
can hear when you just stop
and listen!