
Apples and Red
WoodlandsMommy.com - Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  apples, bananas, oranges
Book to add to your child's library: Apples, Apples by Salina Yoon

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Sippity Sup
Sippity sup, sippity sup,
Apples and milk from a china cup,
Apples and milk from a silver spoon
Made from a piece of the silver moon.
Sippity sup, sippity sup,
Sippity, sippity sup.

(sung to tune of "Are you Sleeping?")
Picking apples
picking apples
one by one
one by one
Put them in a basket
Put them in a basket
Oh what fun!
Oh what fun!

Criss Cross Applesauce
Criss cross applesauce,
A cool breeze,
A tight squeeze,
And a tickle tickle tickle
as you please.

Hold the Apple
Give your baby a large red apple
and let her practice holding the
apple in her hands. Keep
handing it to her if she drops it.
Reach for it and ask  "can
Mommy have the apple?" and
help her practice handing it to

Can You Get It
Tease your baby - yes, but for
only a minute! Pretend to hand
her an apple. When she
reaches out for it, move the
apple away. Move it in front of
her, to her side, above her
head, etc. She's practicing her
hand-eye coordination!

Red Treasure Hunt
Hunt for treasures with your
baby - anything red that you can
find around the house. Help
your baby find red apples, red
shirts, red books, red shoes,
and red teddy bears.

Five Apples A Day
Sit your infant on the
floor with several
different colored
apples, bananas, and
oranges and help her
use as many senses
as she can to explore
each of them.

Applesauce Splash
Cover the floor with
newspapers and then
give your child a clean
pan with applesauce in
it. Let him saturate his
hands with sauce,
make splashes, and
eventually (of course)
hand-feed himself.

Face to Face Interaction:

Undress your child and give
him a warm sponge
treatment. Take a sponge or
face towel, dip it in  warm
water from a pot, and touch
your child on his face, his
neck, his back, his feet, his
shoulders. You will have to
keep dipping and wringing out
the towel to keep it warm. This
activity will help relax and
comfort your child after a busy