
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  a feather (from a craft store)
Book to add to your child's library: Baby Einstein: Birds by Julie Aigner-Clark

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Who's Here Today?
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
______'s here today,
______'s here today,
I'm so glad that ____ is here,
I think I'll shout Hurray

Tic Tac Toe
(draw X's and O's on baby's back)
Tic Tac Toe,
Round I go
Where will I stop?
I don't know!

Tweet Tweet Tweet
(tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Little birds go tweet tweet tweet,
tweet tweet tweet,
tweet tweet tweet,
Little birds go tweet tweet tweet
Tweet tweet tweet all day.

Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
(close fists, extend index fingers)
One named Jack, one named Jill
(talk to one finger; talk to other finger)
Fly away Jack. Fly away Jill.
(toss index fingers over shoulder
Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill.
(bring back hands separately with index
fingers extended)

Bird Kisses
Bring the fingers of one of your
hands together as though it's a
mouth opening and closing.
Make chirping and tweeting
sounds while your hand flies
through the air in search of
different body parts to kiss on
your baby.

Fly Away Bird
Help your infant to "fly" by lifting
both his wings (arms) gently
and flapping them while you
sing "fly away, little birdie, fly
away!" If your child is old
enough, see if he can practice
doing this without your help.

Let's Soar
Hold your baby tightly around
her waist as she faces outward
(away from you). Glide her
through the air as though she's
a bird flying. Say the words as
you go: "Fly high" "Fly low" "Fly
fast" "Fly slow" "Fly up" "Fly
down" "Fly all around"

This is a Bird
Show your child
pictures of birds. Stick
to simple illustrations
of birds that are only
one or two colors each,
such as this red bird.
Repeat the word "bird"
to your child as you go
through the pictures.

Look for Birds
Enjoy an early morning
stroll in the front yard or
down the street while
you look for real life
birds. If you're unable to
spot a bird or two in
close range, it might be
time to visit the local pet
store. Your baby is sure
to enjoy the quick
wing-fluttering of the
hummingbirds and

Face to Face Interaction:

Feather Tickle
Show your baby a brightly
colored feather - you can find
one at the local crafts market
such as Michael's or Hobby
Lobby. Play with your baby by
gently  tickling her toes, nose,
hands, and face. Be sure to
help her rub/scratch her
tickling spots if she needs