
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

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Book to add to your child's library: Balls by John Barrett

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Here's a ball
( make ball with thumb and index finger)
And here's a ball
(make ball with other thumb and index)
A great big ball, I see
(put arms up and touch fingers over
Shall we count them?
Are you ready?
One, Two, Three
(make all three balls in succession)

The Kissing Rhyme
Up up up in the sky like this,
Down down down for a great big kiss,
Up like this, Down like this,
You're a special baby, yes!

Roly Poly
Roly poly, roly, poly (roll arms in front of you)
Up, up, up (lift arms up in air 3 times)
Roly poly, roly poly, (roll arms in front of you)
Down, down, down (point arms downward
3 times)
Roly poly, Roly poly, (roll arms in front of
Out, out, out (point arms out in front of you 3
Roly poly, Roly poly, (roll arms in front of
In, in, in (point arms in towards your chest 3
Roly poly, roly poly (roll arms in front of you)
Touch your chin (touch chin)
Roly, poly, roly poly (roll arms in front of you)
Give a grin (with fingers draw up corners of your mouth into a smile)

Playing Peek A Boo
Baby's gone,
Where is she?
(Cover your eyes with hands.)

Now I see.
(Take hands away and 'find' baby.)

Gone again,
Where'd she go?
(Cover your eyes with hands.)

I found her toe!
(Tickle baby's toes.)

Making a Fist
Hep your infant practice balling
up her hand to make a fist.
Repeat the instructions "Open
your hand, Close your hand".

Ball Play
If your baby doesn't already own
something similar, attach a ball
to a string and dangle the ball in
front of your baby while she
reaches, bounces, and hits the

Bouncing Ball
Show your infant cause and
effect with a bouncing ball. Drop
the ball and watch it bounce up
and down. In contrast, drop
another item that doesn't
bounce up, such as a potato.

Place your infant on the
floor and give her an
assortment of balls to
play with (different sizes
and colors) all at once.
Use bouncing balls,
beach balls, paper
balls, tennis balls, etc.
Be sure all balls are
large enough as to not
pose a choking hazard.

Face to Face Interaction:

Baby Mozart
Play classical music to your
baby when it's close to
naptime or bedtime. Rock him
gently in your arms as he
drifts off to sleep. (Note: If you
don't own any classical music
CDs, tune your radio to FM
88.7 in Houston).