
Christmas Time 2 of 2 (Religious)
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: green construction paper
Book(s) to add to your child's library: God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Bergren


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

A Christmas Story
Tell your toddler the story of the
first Christmas. Explain that during
this season, we celebrate the birth
of Jesus Christ, but be sure to
cater the story to your child's
current level of comprehension.
You can make mention of God's
putting a baby in Mary's tummy,
Mary and Joseph traveling to a
town called Bethlehem, Jesus
being born in a manger, etc.

Pin the Star on the Tree
The star on the tree represents the
star that led the three wise men to
Bethlehem to find Jesus. Draw a
Christmas Tree on green
construction paper and pin it to the
wall. Use a star sticker (or a
construction paper star cut-out
with tape), instruct your child to
close his eyes and try to pin the
star at the top of the tree without
looking. A variation of this game is
to give instructions to your child.
Move your hand up/down a little, to
the other side, etc.

Stocking Scavenger Hunt
Hide five Christmas stockings (or
socks if you don't have stockings)
throughout the house. In the first
stocking, slip a note that tells
where the second stocking is. The
second stocking should include a
note stating where the third
stocking is, and so on. The fifth
stocking should have a
surprise/treat for your toddler. Go
through the house with your
toddler and find each stocking one
after the other, reading each clue
to your toddler until the treat is
found in the end!

Do this Angel Paper Craft,
compliments of DLTK Kids.

Do this Shepherd Toilet Paper Roll
Craft, compliments of DLTK Kids.

Jesus Loves You - Christmas
Help your child fold a piece of
construction paper in half. Write
the words "Jesus Loves You" on
the front of the card. Help your
child glue a picture of himself to
the inside of the card, and write the
words "And so do I." Your toddler
can then create his own artwork in
space remaining on the card.
Make an effort to deliver to card to
its recipient.

A Shining Star
On the very first Christmas night,
(Put hands together; lay head on
hands as if sleeping.)
A wondrous star shone big and bright.
(Hold hands above head; move fingers
like stars shining.)
It marked the spot where the baby lay,
(Pretend to rock baby.)
So kings and shepherds could come
to pray.
(Fold hands and kneel.)

The First Christmas
Clop, clop, clop went the donkey's feet,
Clop, clop, clop down the stoney street.
Nod, nod, nod went Mary's head.
She was tired, and she needed a bed.
Knock, knock, knock went Joseph at
the door.
"Do you have room for anyone more?"
"No, No, No!" the innkeeper said,
"I don't even have one more bed."
"Wait, wait, wait," the innkeeper said,
"You can use my stable for a bed."
"Shh, shh, shh...What is that I hear?
The cry of Baby Jesus, oh so dear!"

(Tune: "Bingo")
Christmas is a special day,
The birthday of a King,
The birthday of King Jesus.

Nine Little Shepherds
(Tune: "Ten Little Indians")
One little, two little, three little
Four little, five little, six little shepherds
Seven little, eight little, nine little
Kneeling at the manger.

Nine little, eight little, seven little
Six little, five little, four little shepherds,
Three little, two little, one little
Kneeling at the manger.

Ring, Ring, Ring the Bells
(Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Ring, ring, ring the bells,
Ring them loud and clear.
Tell the people everywhere
That Christmas time is near.




"Merry Christmas"

"Three Wise Men"

Color: Red and Green

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: Star

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Coloring Page 4

Christmas Theme:

Don't forget some of
the other religious
holiday songs to which
you can introduce your
child: Away in a Manger, Hark the Herald, Noel, etc.