
Dr. Seuss
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: small craft magnets, paper clips
Book(s) to add to your child's library: The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Read "The Cat in the Hat' by Dr.
Seuss to your child. Your local
library should have a copy, but this
is a great book to add to any kid's
library, so consider purchasing it if
your budget allows.

Go on a scavenger hunt for
various types of hats - throughout
the house, in books, on wall art.
Discuss the type of hat and/or
where you might where each hat.

Read "Green Eggs and Ham" by
Dr. Seuss to your child.

Recruit your child's help to make
green eggs and ham (with food
coloring). Practice coloring other
items like vanilla pudding, yogurt,
and biscuits, and have a feast
sampling each.

Hide 10 or 20 plastic green eggs
throughout the house and let your
child hunt for them.

Explore shoes: Provide a box of
shoes for your child to explore. He
can practice making pairs,
grouping colors, or even walking in
the shoes!

Go Fish
Make a Fishing Rod out of a stick,
string and magnet. Clip paper
clips onto paper fish, and place
the fish in a large bucket. Help
your child "cast" his line into the
bucket and say "One fish, two fish,
red fish, blue fish" and pull out his

Introduce your child to the
concept of rhyming words. Have
fun rattling off words that rhyme
with "cat", "rug", "see" and other
simple words. This is a great  
everyday activity for the car or bath
time, and before long, your toddler
will catch on.

Enjoy samples at your local
grocery store (HEB has great
midday samples) or purchase
some food items you don't typically
buy and let your child sample
each, describing the color, smell,
and taste, and then giving you her
opinion of each.

Have You Ever?
Have you ever seen a "cat" in a "hat"?
(clap clap)
Have you ever seen a "cat" in a "hat"?
(clap clap)
No I've never,
No I've never,
No I've never,
No I've never, ever seen a "cat" in a
"hat"? (clap clap)

Five Cats in Hats
(Make five tiny paper hats for fingers)
One little cat on a sunny day
Put on his hat and went out to play
Two little cats when it started getting
Put on their hats and went to the park.
Three little cats when the sky was blue
Put on their hats and went to the zoo.
Four little cats by the kitchen door
Put on their hats and went to the store.
Five little cats on a sunny day
Put on their hats and they all ran away.

My Favorite Hat
(Tune: London Bridge)
"My favorite hat goes on my head,
On my head,
On my head.
My favorite hat goes on my head.
Yours does too.


"cat in the hat"

"Dr. Seuss"

"I do not like green
eggs and ham.""

Color: Green

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: Oval

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Coloring Page 4

The spice of life
Allow your child to taste many
different types of cheeses,
fruits, and vegetables, even if
they aren't your favorites.
Teach your toddler that some
foods come from plants, and
other foods come from