
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: heavy construction paper, cinnamon, ginger or other spices, brown or orange Play Dough,
gingerbread man cookie cutter, graham crackers, frosting, variety of candies and/or cereal
Book(s) to add to your child's library: The Gingerbread Man  by Eric Kimmel


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning


Read the Gingerbread Man poem
to your child. Print out these
Gingerbread Man
to use to act
out the story (or you can use
stuffed animals)

Cut out a Gingerbread Man from
heavy paper. Paint with white glue
and sprinkle with cinnamon,
ginger or  other spices. Add facial
features, buttons and other

Put together this Gingerbread
Man mini-book
by DLTK Kids.

Play with brown or orange
Play-Dough. Add gingerbread
cookie cutters, rolling pins and a
cookie sheet.

Make a simple Gingerbread
House: Using graham crackers,
glue them with frosting to make a
house. Decorate the house by
gluing (with frosting) candies, Fruit Loops, and other colorful edibles.

Gingerbread Man
Stir a bowl of gingerbread
(stir as in a bowl)
Smooth and spicy brown,
Roll it with a rolling pin
(roll as if with a rolling pin)
Up and up and down
With a cookie cutter
(pretend to cut cookie)
Make some little men.
Put them in the oven
(put pan in the oven)
Until half past ten.

Tune : "Frere Jacques"
Yum, Yum, Yum,
Yum, Yum, Yum.
I like gingerbread
I like gingerbread
In my tum!
In my tum!

Come Back Little Man!
Tune: "Six Little Ducks"
One gingerbread boy popped out one
Over the hill he ran away.
When the man called
" Come back little man!"
He only answered,
"Catch me if you can!"

Repeat the verse, each time replacing
the "man" with a different character
from the story - cow, horse, threshers,

Last Verse:
One gingerbread boy popped out one
Over the hill he ran away.
Then the fox called,
"Hop on my nose little man!
I'll gobble you up as fast as I can!"

Tune: "Ten Little Indians"
One little, two little,
three little Gingerkids,
Four little, five little,
six little Gingerkids,
Seven little, eight little,
nine little Gingerkids,
Ten little Gingerbread Kids.


Gingerbread Man


Run, run as fast as
you can!
You can't catch me
I'm the Gingerbread

Color: Brown

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: oval