
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: orange paint, large brown paper bag, green pipe cleaners, green yarn or elastic
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Five Little Pumpkins by Public Domain


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Make this simple Jack O'Lantern
from Enchanted Learning.

Jack O' Lantern painting
Help your toddler paint a brown
paper bag with orange paint. Use
black pre-cut circles, squares, or
other shapes to paste a nose,
eyes, and mouth. Stuff the bag with
newspapers and close it with
green pipe cleaners.

Read the following poem to your
toddler then use the discussion
points that follow:

One day I found two pumpkin
I planted one and pulled the
It sprouted roots and a big, long
A pumpkin grew; I called it mine.
The pumpkin was quite round and
(I really am quite proud of that.)
But there is something I'll admit
That has me worried just a bit.
I ate the other seed, you see.
Now will it grow inside of me?
(I'm so relieved since I have found
That pumpkins only grow in the

Discussion points. Talk to your
child about pumpkins. We plant
pumpkin seeds in the ground and
then a pumpkin grows. If you
swallow a seed in your mouth, will
the pumpkin grow inside your
tummy? What color are
pumpkins? What shape are they?

I'm a Little Pumpkin
(Tune:  I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little pumpkin
Orange and round.  
Here is my stem
There is the Ground!  
When I get all cut up
Don't you shout!
Just open me up
And scoop me out!

Five Little Pumpkins
Five little pumpkins
sitting on a gate.  
The first one said,
"Oh my it's getting late."  
The second one said,
"There are witches in the air."  
The third one said, "I don't care."
The fourth one said,
"Let's run and run and run!"  
The fifth one said,
"It's so much fun!"  
Then "Oooooo" went the wind and out
went the lights, and the five little
pumpkins rolled out of sight!

Mr. Pumpkin
(Tune:  Where is Thumbkin?)  

Mr. Pumpkin,
Mr. Pumpkin,
Round and fat.  
Round and fat.  
Harvest time is coming.  
Harvest time is coming.  
Yum, yum, yum.  
That is that!

10 Little Pumpkins
(Tune:  Ten Little Indians)

One little,
two little,
three little pumpkins,
Four little,
five little,
six little pumpkins,
Seven little,
eight little,
nine little pumpkins,
Ten little pumpkins in the pumpkin

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Had a wife
and couldn't keep her.
He put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.

Where is Pumpkin?  
(Tune:  Where is Thumbkin?)

Where is Pumpkin?
Where is Pumpkin?
Here it is!
Here it is!
This one has a happy face,
This one has a scary face!
Roll away!
Roll away!


Jack O'Lantern

Color: Orange

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: triangle

Practice these Listening Tips
with your toddler:

Read together - this helps to
develop words, language and
listening skills.

Find special times to listen -
this may be at bedtime or
while your child's in the bath.

Show you're interested in
listening - ask open questions
and give prompts to help your
child continue.

Give your full attention - don't
just listen while you do
something else. It can also
help to get down to your child's
level. If you're unable to give
your full attention straight away
say: "I just need to put this
washing in the machine, then
I'll come and listen to you."

Be patient - it can take small
children time to sort out what
they want to say. Don't interrupt
too quickly or rush to speak for
your child.

Show an interest - look at
creative drawings and listen to
stories your child wants to tell

Be sympathetic and ready to
listen - when your child's
upset, explain to him how to
express negative feelings
using words.