
Falling Leaves
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: paper plate, brown paint, fingerpaints (red, orange, yellow, brown, green), egg carton
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Fall: Seasons board book by Chris Demarest


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Fall Talk
Talk to your child about the
changing season. Use a visual -
this Autumn Leaves picture - for
fun. Explain in simple terms that
the weather will be getting cooler,
the wind will be blowing more, and
that leaves will began turning
colors and falling from the trees.
Talk to your child about activities
that you can do in the fall - ride the
bicycle, go to the park more, play
outside in the grass, etc.

Do this Autumn Tree Craft or this
Fingerprint Tree

Fall Sorting
Materials: egg carton, acorns,  
maple seeds, pine cones,  leaves,
or other fall objects small
Place objects in small container
on table or floor. Help your child
sort the objects into the egg carton.

Fall Wreath
Materials: Leaves, acorns, pine
cones, bow, brown paint and
paper plates.
Cut the center out of a paper plate
and help your child paint the paper
plate, brown. Next,  go for a walk to
find fall leaves, acorns and pine
cones. When the plate is dry, help
your child glue the items to the
plate.  (Away from your child, you
can  use a hot glue gun to glue any
loose pieces and a bow.)

Mr. Squirrel
Who's that scampering up the tree,
Carrying acorns...1,2,3?
It's Mr. Squirrel with a tail so furry.
He's ready for fall, so don't you worry!

Falling, Falling
(tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle")
Falling, Falling, Falling Leaves
Mother Nature, did you sneeze?
Red ones, yellow ones, orange and
Big ones, little ones on the ground.
Falling, Falling, Falling Leaves,
Mother Nature did you sneeze?

Autumn Winds
(tune to "Ring around the Rosie")
Autumn Winds begin to blow
coloured leaves fall fast and slow
Whirling Twirling they all fall down
(Cut out different colored leaves - sway
like a tree during the song and drop
the leaves at the end)

Little Leaves
(tune to "Ten Little Indians")
1 little, 2 little, 3 little leaves
4 little, 5 little, 6 little leaves
7 little, 8 little, 9 little leaves,
blow them all away. WHOOF!

Leaves, Leaves
(tune to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Leaves, leaves falling down
falling on the ground.
Red and Yellow, Orange and Brown
Leaves are falling down.

Autumn-Time is Coming
(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Red leaves falling
Red leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is coming
Autumn-time is coming
All around
All around

Orange leaves falling
Orange leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is coming
Autumn-time is coming
All around
All around

Brown leaves scattered
Brown leaves scattered
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn-time is now here
Autumn-time is now here
All around
All around


Pine Cone

Color: Yellow

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: circle

Toddlers can take their first
key steps toward reading!
They love the chance to
practice the words they are
learning. Wrap them up in the
reading experience by asking
questions and letting them talk
to you about stories as you
read. Young children learn
best when they are actively

Ask questions that encourage
your child to talk about the
Ask “what“ questions. Point to
a picture in the book and say,
“What‘s this?“ or What‘s that
As your toddler gets a little
older, ask questions that can‘t
be answered with just one or
two words. For example, if you
ask, “What‘s that?“ your child
may only say, “A dog.“ But if
you ask, “What‘s happening in
this picture?“ your child will talk
about many things.
Try asking “What do you think
will happen next?“ or
questions that start with “What
if?“ These powerful questions
will make your child think
about what might happen and
give you a longer answer. This
builds language and thinking