
Grocery Shopping
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: --------
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Barney and Baby Bop Go to the Grocery Store by Donna Cooner


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning


Shopping Trip
Pretend to go shopping, filling a
toy grocery cart with food
containers and plastic fruit and
vegetables. A variation of this is to
let your child shop with you in the
grocery store. Recruit his help for
picking up easy-to-handle items
from the shelf and placing it into
the shopping cart. At the check-out
line,  explain to your child that you
must pay for the food/groceries
before you can take them home.

"I" Buy
Give your child a dollar, let him find
a yummy snack at the convenience
store or snack stand, and let him
hand the cashier the money to pay
for it. Tell him to wait for the

Putting Away Groceries
Let your child help you put away
the groceries in their proper
places. Sort first. Categories may
included canned, bagged, and
boxed foods.

Unpack and Stack
Help your child remove food
containers  from grocery bags and
stack them. Boxed items work best
for this activity.

Washing Fruit - Produce Stand
Clean fruit at the sink with the
sprayer ( or at a water table with
squirt toys), then lay them out on a
rack or towel to dry.

Coupon Cut-Outs
Cut coupons and glue on paper .
Your child can scribble with
markers on lined paper  “writing
out” his shopping list.

This activity can be played in two
ways: 1. Make a picture list (cut-out
pictures from sales paper) of all
the things you need from the
grocery store. Take your child
along to the store and ask for his
help finding the items. Locate an
item and then ask "Is this on
Mommy's list?"  OR 2. Make a
picture list of items you have in
your refrigerator or pantry. Let your
child "shop" by locating the items
in your home.

This Little Piggy Went to Market
As you say each line, softly squeeze
one of your child's fingers or toes and
say a number in sequence from 1 to 5:

This little piggy went to market.
(Softly squeeze a thumb or big toe and
say "That's one!")

This little piggy stayed home.
(Softly squeeze a second finger or toe
and say "That's two!")

This little piggy had roast beef (or tofu
or ice cream).
(Softly squeeze a third finger or toe and
say "That's three!")

This little piggy had none.
(Softly squeeze a fourth finger or toe
and say "That's four!")

This little piggy cried "Wee-wee-wee!"
all the way home.
(Softly squeeze a pinkie finger or toe
and say "That's five!")

The Traveling Song
(Tune: Mulberry Bush)
We’re going to the grocery store
The grocery store, the grocery store
We’re going to the grocery store
To buy a bag of apples.
(Repeat using different grocery items.)

To Market, To Market
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, dancing a
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog;
To market, to market, to buy a plum
Home again, home again, market is

Oh Here we are Together
(Tune: The More We Get Together)
Oh here we are together,
Together, together,
Oh here we are together,
Together at home.

Shopping cart
Pay for

Color: Red

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: square