
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  latex balloons (various sizes, shapes, and colors), finger paint
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Emily's Balloon by Komako Sakai


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

About Balloons
Explain to your child that a blown
up balloon has air on the inside.
Blow up a balloon while your child
watches. Then, presto, let loose of
the balloon and watch the balloon
go crazy as it releases its air.

Finger Paint Balloons
Have your child place several
different colored fingerprints on a
sheet of construction paper (use a
washable paint).  When the paint
has dried, draw lines down from
the fingerprints, turning them into
balloons with strings.

Bat the Balloon
Hang a balloon from the ceiling
and hit it with hand, a foam bat, or
another long balloon.

Balloon Ball
Show your child how to strike a
balloon with his  hands to keep it
in the air. You can also practice
throwing/floating the balloon to
him and letting him catch it and
throw it back.  A variation of this
would be to use only your legs and
feet  to keep the balloon from
touching the floor.

Play outside with water balloons.
Your toddler will enjoy the

My Red Balloon
I had a little red balloon,
(Make a small circle)
But then I blew and blew
( Blow hard into circle after each  blow
continue growth of circle)
Till it became all big and fat
And grew and grew and grew.
I tossed it up into the air
(Tossing up motions)
And never let it drop
I bounced it on the ground, until   
(Bouncing motions)
It suddenly went POP!
(Hold out hands in surprise clap loudly
on pop!)

Balloon Song
(Sung to:  "Ten Little Indians)
One little, two little,
three little balloons,
four little, five little,
six little balloons.
Seven little, eight little
nine little balloons,
ten little balloons
floating up so high.

Bounce the Balloons
(Tune: "The Mulberry Bush")
This is the way we
bounce the balloons
bounce the balloons,
bounce the balloons.
This is the way we
bounce the balloons
Gently in the air.

Balloon Tune
(tune:  "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Flying high, pretty big balloon,
Big balloon, please come back soon.
Up above the house and trees,
Take me with you if you please.
Flying high, pretty big balloon,
Big balloon, please come back soon.

My Balloon
Here I have a new balloon
Help me while I blow:
Small at first, then bigger
Watch it grow and grow.
Do you think it is big enough?
Maybe I should stop;
For if I give another blow,
My balloon will surely POP!

This is the way we blow up our
Blow, blow, blow.
This is the way we break our balloons,
Oh!, Oh!, Oh!


Color: Brown

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: rectangle