
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  Green and red construction paper, green Jello, plastic frogs
Book(s) to add to your child's library: The Wide-Mouthed Frog (pop-up book) by Keith Faulkner


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning


Follow the Leader
Use a full-length mirror to play a "can
you do what I do?" game. Use big and
small motions from faces to toes. Demo
a sequence of two motions - pat your
head and then your tummy. Can your
child remember two motions? How
about three?

About Frogs
Talk to your child about frogs. Gather
any pictures of frogs that you can find
(books around the house, on clothing,
etc.) Explain that frogs are often green
in color, they make the "ribbit" sound,  
they jump/hop, and they eat delicious
bugs! For a bonus, visit a local pet
store that carries frogs.

Computer Time: Show your child
this digital FROGS slideshow. (Note:
You might have to scroll down the
page to see the FORWARD button).

Your toddler will enjoy this short online
Frog Eating Bug cartoon.

Make this simple Paper Frog Puppet.

Pretend Frogs: Hop up and down
and make frog sounds. This is great
exercise for both you and your little

Jello Fun
Put cubes of green Jello in a large pot,
basin, or bathtub and add plastic frogs
for your child to play with.

Little Tadpole
(Sung to "Frere Jacques" )

Little tadpole, Little tadpole
Lost his tail, lost his tail.
Now he has two feet
Now he has four feet
Look a frog! Look a frog!

Bloop Bloop
Bloop bloop went the little green frog one
Bloop bloop went the little green frog,
Bloop bloop went the little green frog one
And they all went bloop bloop blop.

But! We all know frogs go,
We all know frogs go,
They don't go bloop bloop bloop.

Five Little Tadpoles
Five little tadpoles swimming near the shore.
The first one said, “Let’s swim some more.”
The second one said, “Let’s rest awhile.”
The third one said, “Swimming makes me
The fourth one said, “My legs are growing
The fifth one said, “I’m getting very strong.”
Five little tadpoles will soon be frogs.
They’ll jump from the water and sit on logs.

I Have a Little Frog
I have a little frog
His name is Tiny Tim,
I put him in the bathtub,
To see if he could swim,
He drank up all the water,
And gobbled up the soap!
He tried to eat the bathtub
But it wouldn't go down his throat!

Baby frogs
Tadpoles are little baby frogs, baby frogs,
baby frogs.
Tadpoles are little baby frogs
They can swim like fish.
Tadpoles grow four legs, four legs, four
legs. Tadpoles grow four legs. They can
hop, hop, hop.


Color: Green

Numbers: 1 to 12

Shape: Oval

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3