
Humpty Dumpty
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  Eggs,     OPTIONAL: small brass fasteners to attach Humpty Dumpty limbs so they are moveable
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Humpty Dumpty and More! (Read & Sing Along) by Kim Mitzo Thompson


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Start a dialogue with your child
about the Humpty Dumpty poem. What
happened to Humpty Dumpty? Why did
he fall?

Do this Humpty Dumpty Paper

Boil an egg and help your child create
his own Humpty Dumpty with eyes, a
nose, and a mouth (these can be
drawn with a non-toxic marker). Recite
the poem and watch what happens
when Humpty Dumpty falls onto the

Show your child what eggs look like in
their styrofoam container so he can
begin to recognize packaging of
certain objects. Crack a raw egg open
into a cup and let him see the inside.

Put Humpty Dumpty Together
Cut a large oval out of construction
paper, then cut the oval into 3
puzzle-like pieces let your child "put
Humpty Dumpty" back together. Once
he's back together, help your child glue
the pieces onto a piece of cardboard
or construction paper and draw a
face, clothes, legs, and arms.

Act out the song "Ten Little
Indians" (next column).

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses
And all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty (altered)
(Have  fun changing up the words to the
original Humpty Dumpty song and making
your own silly rhymes):
Humpty Dumpty sat on my knee,
Humpty Dumpty tried to kiss me!
Humpty Dumpty sat on the rug,
Humpty Dumpty gave me a hug!

Trot, Trot, Trot
Trot, trot, trot to London,
Trot, trot, trot to Dover.
Look out, ______, (child's name)
Or you might fall OVER!

Ten Little Indians
One little, two little, three little Indians,
Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven
little, eight little, nine little Indians,
Ten little Indian boys!

And do you know what they did? They got
into their boats very carefully. Be very
careful that you don't tip over.

They rowed and they rowed and they
rowed to the shore. (repeat 2 times)
(pretend to row)
Ten little Indian boys!

It was hot and they were tired of sitting, so
they all stood up carefully.

They all stood up and the boat tipped over.
(repeat 2 more times)
(wipe brow, and pretend to balance)
Ten little Indian boys!

They swam and they swam and they swam
to the shore (repeat 2 times) (pretend to
Ten little Indian boys!

Now what do we do?

They were cold and wet and they ran home
to mother (repeat 2 times)
Ten little Indian boys!

And what do you suppose she did?

She fed them and spanked them and put
them to bed, (repeat 2 times)
(pretend to spank)
Ten Little Indian boys!


Color: White

Numbers: 1 to 12

Shape: Oval

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Snack Ideas:
Boiled eggs
Egg salad sandwich