
Cowboys/girls and Go Western!
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:       Construction paper, sponges, tape, brown paper bag, aluminum foil, dry beans
Field Trip Idea:     Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo  


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning


Square Dance
Make a square on the floor or ground
with tape. After taking time to
emphasize the square shape to your
child, turn on the music and dance with him, calling out the directions "Inside the square", dance a bit... "Outside the square."

Western Vest
Make a Western vest out of a brown
paper grocery store bag. Allow your
child to decorate vest with markers,
crayons, stickers, etc, then let him
wear it! Add a child-sized cowboy hat
for a picture-perfect moment.

Sheriff's Star: Cut a large star from
heavy paper and help your child wrap
it in aluminum foil. Decorate with
permanent markers. Affix double-sided tape to the back and wear it.

Make a Bandana: Cut out a 16"
square of fabric (old sheets). Use
western-shaped sponges or regular
sponges to dip in tempera paint and
press on fabric. After bandana dries,
show your toddler how to wear it
around her neck.

Bean Counting: Provide a bag of
beans, several containers, and a
scoop. Encourage your child to scoop
and count beans.

Horse Ride: Pretend to hold the reins
of a horse and ride, alternating
between the words "Yeehaw",
"Giddyup",  "Ride 'em cowboy/girl" and "Neigh".

Gold Rush: Hide gold coins around the room (cover regular coins with gold foil or use fake coins). Give your toddler a bucket and help him search for GOLD!

Jump Jim Joe
(act out the lyrics with your toddler)
Jump, jump, jump Jim Joe.
Face your partner and bow real low.
Swing your partner nice and slow.
Jump, jump, Jim Joe.
Skip, skip, skip Jim Joe.
Hold hands with your partner
And away we go
Skip around the circle nice and slow
Stop, stop, stop Jim Joe
Clap, clap, clap Jim Joe
Stretch up high and touch your toes.
Cross your arms and do-si-do
Clap clap, clap Jim Joe

Diddle, Diddle, Dumplin'
Diddle, diddle, dumplin
My son, John,
Went to bed
With his blue jeans on.
One boot off
And one boot on.
Diddle, diddle, dumplin
My son, John.

Giddy-Up Horsy
(Tune: Ride a Horsy)
(First pretend to mount your horse - hold
reins and sing:)
Gid - dy   up  horsy, Go to town.
Gid - dy   up  horsy,
Oops, fall down! (fall down)
Say "Hey what happened? Lets all get up
and dust off our jeans and try this again."
(Try again and again with same results.)
Then say "I know! Maybe he's hungry! Let's
feed him some hay." (Demonstrate how to
hold hand flat and pretend to feed horse.)
Now say, "There that should do the trick"
(And mount your horse and sing song
again this time ending with):
"Ha! Ha! Ha! I didn't fall down!"

(On a sheet of construction paper, draw a
man (stick man is fine.) Make felt or paper
cut-outs of the articles of clothing and
dress the "cowboy" with this rhyme)      

A cowboy dresses himself with care.
He starts with long, red
Out in the desert, you don't want to get
So the cowboy wears a strong wool
Deserts and prairies are the cowboy's
To protect his legs, he wears sturdy
The cowboy bent, and ran, and knelt.
To keep his pants up, he wore a leather
The coyote howls, the old owl hoots.
On his feet, he wears leather
It isn't yellow, so it's not a banana;
Around his neck, he wears a soft
A cowboy is a cowboy, and that is that!
On top of his head, he wore a ten-gallon
He's all dressed from head to feet,
And now our cowboy can't be beat!


Phrase to repeat:
"Ride 'em

Color: Brown

Numbers: 1 to 7

Shape: Square, Star

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2