
Amazing Paper
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

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Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Zoom Zoom Zoom
(bouncing on mommy's lap)
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We're going to the moon.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We're going to the moon.
If you wanna take a trip,
climb aboard the rocketship.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
we're going to the moon!

Wiggle Song
I wigge wiggle wiggle my fingers,
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my toes,
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my shoulders,
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my nose.
Now no more wiggles are left in me
So I will be as still as can be.

The Grand Old Duke of York
The grand Old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill
(lift baby up high)
And he marched them down again
(put baby down low)
And when you’re up, you’re up
(lift baby up high)
And when you’re down, you’re down
(put baby down low)
And when you’re only halfway up
(lift baby halfway up)
You’re neither up nor down.

Shopping Bag Fill & Dump
Provide bags with handles and
small boxes and manipulatives.
Show your child how to pick up
items and fill the bags with
various objects after they have
been dumped out.

Stuffed Sacks to Carry
Stuff paper bags with crumpled
newspaper and tape with wide
packing tap. Your child will enjoy
moving and carrying the paper

Paper Bag Toss
Show your infant how to
crumple used copy paper or
newspaper into balls and drop
the balls into a basket.

I See You!
Play peek-a-boo with your infant,
using newspaper to hide your

Flour Pat
Put a thin layer of flour
at the bottom of a
plastic tub. Place the
baby's hand in the tub.
(Supervise closely.)

Types of Paper
Give your infant different
types and different
colors of paper to feel
and explore: toilet
paper, paper towels,
paper plates, brightly
colored construction
paper, wax paper (used
for cooking), etc.

Face to Face Interaction:

Hugs & Kisses
Sit with your infant and
exchange hugs and kisses -
kisses on eyes, noses, ears,
belly (raspberries), etc.)