
Bath Time
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:        ------
Book to add to your child's library: Baby Einstein: Violet's House by Julie Aigner-Clark

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Bath Time
Baby's ready for his bath.
Here's the baby's tub
(make circle with arms)
Here's the baby's washcloth
(hold hand up, palm flat)
See how he can rub
(pretend to rub face)
Here's the baby's cake of soap.
(hold hand flat)
And here's the towel to dry
And here's the baby's cradle
(make imaginary cradle and rock it)

This is the Way
(Tune: Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry
This is the way we wash our feet,
wash our feet, wash our feet,
This is the way we wash our feet
So early in the morning.
(Repeat using other body parts: face,
hands, arms, etc.).

Going to Kentucky
(Move baby's legs in a bike riding action as
you sing.)
We're going to Kentucky
We're going to the fair
To see a senorita
With flowers in her hair

(Now take  baby's hands and roll them over
her chest.)
Oh, shake it, shake it, shake it,
Shake it up and down,
Shake it like a milkshake
Shake it all around.

Baby Wash
Give your child a clean,
lukewarm towel and watch what
he does with it. Depending on
your infant's age, he might (a)
put it in his mouth, (b) try to
squeeze it, (c) pull on it with both
hands, (d) wipe a part of his
body with it).

Blow A Kiss
You can teach your baby to give
a gift of love as you blow a kiss
to her and encourage copying
blowing a kiss by spreading
open your arms and saying,
"Blow mommy a kiss." Help your
child copy you. For fun, you can
also blow kisses to each other
in front of the mirror.

Bath Bag
Fill a bag with items
related to bath time and
let your infant explore,
removing one item at a
time. Likely items to
use: bar of soap, a
large towel, a small
towel, a rubber duckie,
a comb. Be sure to
name each item as
baby plays with it

Peek a Bath
If your baby has never
seen you take a shower
or bath, now's the time!
Use a bouncy chair (or
ask hubby to hold him).
While bathing, sing
your favorite song. The
water in the shower
and mommy's happy
voice will be great

Face to Face Interaction:
Make bath time extra special
this week. If your child enjoys
her baths, spend more time
bathing her, being sure to talk
gently to her and announce
what you're doing ("now I'm
washing your hair; now I'm
washing your toes..."). After
bath time, give your baby a
relaxing rub with baby lotion or