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Saturday, June 22, 2024, 12:00pm - 05:00pm

Join us for FREE community event for moms by moms that showcases businesses, services, and organizations that enrich the lives of families and moms. 

*$500 cash giveaway

*FREE speakers and workshops

*FREE swag bags

*FREE Mini Homeschool Expo


*Activities and games for everyone

*FREE photo booths

*Future Business Leaders Expo

And many more surprises to come!...

Location  The Spring Chateau
Contact  Lila Taylor mommapaloozahouston@gmail.com
The MP After Party is from 6-10 PM. There will be a DJ, dancing, bar services, FREE photo booth. It is free to attend.

Thank you for the opportunity to advertise our event with you. We appreciate your support. Let me know if you have any questions or how I cna help you.

Here is our website for more info: