
Tick Tock
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  ----
Book to add to your child's library: Tick Tock Jungle Clock by Thomas Taylor

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

Baby Pie
Baby and I were baked in a pie,
The pie was wonderful hot.
We had nothing to pay
to the baker that day.
And so we crept out of the pot.
(Creep fingers slowly up baby's body).

The Clock
The little clock goes tick tock,
Tick tock, tick tock,
The big clock goes ding dong,
ding dong, ding dong.
(Lift and swing baby side to side).

Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory dickory dock.

Are You Sleeping?
Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping?
Brother John?
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
Ding ding dong,
Ding ding dong.

Puzzle Pleaser
Cut a photograph, greeting card
or other image, such as an
animal, into four pieces to
create an age-appropriate
puzzle for your infant. (If you are
using a picture from a
magazine, glue it to a piece of
cardboard to make it sturdy.)
TIP: Keep the pieces in an
envelope stashed in your diaper
bag so that you always have a
fun way to distract your little one
at a moment's notice.

Strike up the Band
Grab a few spoons, spatulas,
pots, and pans and encourage
your little one to tap out a tune.

Hide and Squeak
Select a toy that makes a
squeaky noise or jingles. Allow
your child to see and hear the
toy by holding it in front of him.
Then hold the toy behind your
back. Ask your child, "Where is
(the name of the toy)"? Squeak
or jingle the toy so that your
child can hear it. Then reveal it
by saying, "There it is!"

Hear That?
Small children love to
hear the sounds of their
own voices. Recording
them can supply
entertainment and
memories. Tape
recording infants may
not only provide
entertainment, but also
stimulation and fun

When Baby is on a roll
and babbling away,
press "Record."
Keep the tape rolling
until you feel you've
captured the moment
or Baby turns to another
Do this at different
times during the day,
because Baby's
sounds change with
his moods.
Entertain Baby by
playing the tape back
for him. Hearing
himself is fascinating
and will encourage him
to try and imitate the
sounds he's hearing.

Face to Face Interaction:

Blow bubbles for your baby
and allow him to reach and
pop if he's capable. Distance
yourself and see if your child
will come towards the

Silly Faces:
Hold your child on your lap
and make silly faces.
Eyebrows up, lips out, nose
moving - anything to make
your child giggle. Don't worry.
No one else is watching!